Access clean and common profiles

Clean pages

Each site, platform, business card or other means of communication has its own interface and layout.

It is difficult today to find a person's information, to be sure that they are on the right platform, the platform on which the person is updating their information. Indeed, some sites may be obsolete, the person may have favored one platform over another.

The concept behind the platform is to have a personal page per individual or entity, whose information must be retrieved as quickly as possible.

We don't want every user to personalize their interface, always making it harder to read. We want simple pages that are easy to understand. We don't want a person to stay on a profile page for more than a few seconds, to go quickly to the tool or the link meeting their need.

We aim for minimal waste of time.

Profiles common to all

This is a non-negotiable point for us, we want users to find the information they want in seconds, and not be lost by extravagant layouts or colors.

You will therefore notice that each profile page is essentially identical, apart from the information provided by the user.

Means of contact

If for example you want to find a way to contact a person, you have the “Main links” part containing links to platforms like Twitter and Linkedin, you also have their phone and email if the person has made them visible , in other words if it has configured its visibility rights.

As a reminder, the platform is not intended to replace these tools, each with its own strengths and particularities, each targeting a different audience. Likewise, everyone has their own messaging system, so we prefer not to multiply the tools by letting you communicate through existing platforms rather than recreating yet another messaging.

Created 4 years ago, by Uniqlink

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